it's oh so quiet

It's, oh, so quiet
It's, oh, so still
You're all alone
And so peaceful until...
Bjork, "It's oh so quiet"

There was a time when I lived for weekends. Then there was another time when I dreaded them, especially those long weekends in between holidays. I used to hate the feeling of not knowing how to make the most of my weekends and the regret that I feel when Monday comes that I wasted them. Then weekends became just ordinary days of rest between work weeks...days neither to dread nor anticipate. Now my weekends are no longer enough! I have surrounded myself with so much amusement I can no longer keep up with myself. There’s a good book which I’m still half-way through, several DVDs of TV shows and movies to watch, a blog to update, blogs to read, pictures from two trips to edit, a new lens to take photos with, a laptop to familiarize, a photo-editing software to learn…all that I wish to cram for 2 days on top of doing my usual chores and napping (!).

Now it’s Monday and back to the usual grind. I can’t wait for Saturday to come along…

begin to hope

As what Freud and the others say, what we dream while asleep are translations of our innermost wishes, dreams, and feelings that we conceal in our waking life. And such are what my dreams usually are…and often times they are so cryptic that their meaning sometimes comes to me days later. A few nights ago, I dreamt about some overt desire that it made me laugh when I remembered about it when I woke up. I rarely have such dreams played out to the letter so I didn’t think much about it. But yesterday something happened and I felt like it was just the first of better things to come. Could I be right? I once felt something like this just a few years ago and my intuition didn’t fail me. I feel hopeful and excited though I’m not sure what this really is…

Then again maybe this is finally…peace?

just like heaven

I recently found out from a friend’s Friendster site that one of my favorite bands, The Cure, is performing in Singapore and my friend is watching. I’m so jealous! Turns out that the band has a mini-Asian tour (Sing, HK, and Japan) this coming weekend and they left out Manila in their itinerary. Why Robert, why?? And why are the producers in Manila keep on bringing crap artists like David Pomeranz? Why hasn’t anyone thought about bringing The Cure here instead?

Oh well. I’m dedicating this post to the boys who made the best love songs ever. Here are my top 5 faves:

1. Mint Car – one of the band's happier songs which never fails to make me smile whenever I listen to it.

Say it will always be like this
The two of us together
It will always be like this
Forever and ever and ever...

2. Pictures of you – the first strums of the bass guitar at the start of the song is enough to make me weep.

“If only I'd thought of the right words
I could have held on to your heart
If only I'd thought of the right words
I wouldn't be breaking apart
All my pictures of you”

3. Just like Heaven – one of the songs I love to sing when in a happy mood. I only sing the first few stanzas though. I dream of someone singing this song TO ME one day, hahaha.

"Show me how you do that trick
The one that makes me scream" she said
"The one that makes me laugh" she said
And threw her arms around my neck
"Show me how you do it and I promise you
I promise that I'll run away with you
I'll run away with you" ….

Soft and only
Lost and lonely
Strange as angels
Dancing in the deepest oceans
Twisting in the water
You're just like a dream...

4. Letter to Elise – maybe the song that I can relate to the most..

elise believe i never wanted this
i thought this time i'd keep all of my promises
i thought you were the girl always dreamed about
but i let the dream go
and the promises broke
and the make-believe ran out...

5. Love Song - a song with simple lyrics yet evoke so much sincerity like all the other love songs Robert makes. *sigh*

Whenever I'm alone with you
You make me feel like I am home again
Whenever I'm alone with you
You make me feel like I am whole again

getting the hang of it

learning how to operate this new mac is a lot like getting acquainted with a new boyfriend. you want to spend as much time as you can with each other, and when you're apart you plan about the things you'll do next time you're together. there's a lot of things to do, to discover, so many things to explore together and so much to know about one another. and since i've been with someone almost forever (ahem, the windows), my new boy promises no less than excitement and fun. yes, so many things can be done on a mac that i'm still overwhelmed. during the first few days, i just stare at it in awe with its power and beauty. i feel so unworthy, to be perfectly honest, as i am just getting the hang of blogging, of taking good pictures, and of transforming them to some semblance of art. now i make it my personal mission to be "worthy" of this new boy. i'm blogging more often (cross my fingers that i keep at it), and i am now learning to use photoshop.

i'm looking forward to my 100th post, like my friend lisa did just recently. congratulations my friend!

update, update

so i made a promise to myself to update this blog often as soon as i got my new lappy. it's been 2 weeks! ok so i got my excuses, having spent last weekend up north travelling with friends. it was a fun and tiring trip having crammed so much activities in just 3 days that i went home sick. i'm well now, but just so tired all the time.

i feel slightly better about the pictures i took from this trip. the ones i took in palawan were a real disappointment that i started reviewing all the magazines and books that i have about taking better pictures. apparently "part" of the problem was caused by my icky lens kit. thank god one of my photo-freak friends gave me a tip, and that's to use minimum aperture of f8, and to adjust the sharpness settings in my cam body. this afternoon i got another gadget to improve my photos: a new lens! it's a 50mm f1.8, the cheapest canon lens there is and the only lens i can afford at the moment.

more pictures soon!